- Die Filmemacherin Eva Wolf und ihr Kameramann Michael Weihrauch haben vier Monate als Beobachter auf einer internistischen Intensivstation der Berliner Charité verbracht und Pfleger und Ärzte bei ihrer Arbeit begleitet.
- This documentry allows an insight into the mental and emotional challenges the staff of an intensive care unit is facing on a daily basis, dealing with decisions that have far reaching consequences for their patients.
Often it is the staff of the intensive care unit - the doctors and nurses - that are confronted with difficult ethical questions that their patients haven't yet had to consider.
We regret, at this time, the film is only availiable in german
Questions with no easy answers. How do we want to die, and how do we want to live?
- Regie: Eva Wolf
- Drehbuch: Eva Wolf
- Kamera: Michael Weihrauch
- Schnitt: Andreas Zitzmann
- Komponist: Eckart Gadow
- Produzent/in: Michael Weihrauch, Kathrin Lemme
- Ton: Eva Wolf
- Produktion: Lemme Film GmbH
- Verleih: Lemme Film GmbH