- Lecture of Eva Mozes Kor. At the age of ten she was together with her twin sister victom of the medical experiences of Dr. Mengele in Auschwitz. Eva Mozes Kor talks about her experience of forving Mengele and the release of an enormous energy.
- Eva Mozes Kor:
I had the power to forgive the god of Ausschwitz. And that really made me feel good inside, the fact that I have the power and the fact, that I was not hurting anybody by doing that. And when I can forgive the angel of death, I might as well forgive everybody.
I felt immedeately that a burden of pain was lifted from my shoulders. That I was no longer a victim of Ausschwitz. I was a surviver. That I was no longer a prisoner of my tragic past. That I was finally free. And the souls of millions of people, who werde wurdered there, were my witnesses.
Forgiveness is nothing more and nothing less but an act of self healing, an act of self
empowerment. A feeling of completeness, of holiness, where thought, spirit and action work together. And it is almost like a gift of freedom that I gave myself. So I encourage you all, and everybody has some pain that they are carrying around, you don’t have to be a surviver, actually.
Eva Mozes Kor founded in USA a Holocaust-Museum. More information about her: info@candlesholocaustmuseum.org
- Director: Eva Mozes Kor
- Director of photography: Gerburg Rohde-Dahl
- Editor (Cut): Gerburg Rohde-Dahl
- Composer: Nadine Krämer, Olaf Grothe
- Sound: Gerburg Rohde-Dahl