Support / FAQ

Welcome to the support page of ONLINEFILM.ORG. With our list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), we would like to make things easier for you by providing answers to those questions occuring more often than others. On this page you will also find instruction manuals and quickstarters available for download.

Please start by selecting either the column "Buying/downloading a film" OR "Selling/uploading a film".

General information for buyers

  • What am I allowed to do with the film I have bought?

    Buying a film for download on ONLINEFILM means you are allowed to use it privately without limitation. You are allowed to make a DVD of the film and safety copies for yourself. But you may not give copies of the film you downloaded to third parties. You may not sell it nor show it publicly or in schools or seminars (more about Digital Rights Fair Trade). If you download a film from ONLINEFILM you accept the general terms and conditions. Please read these through carefully before purchasing a film.

  • What do I have to do if I want to show a film publicly, e.g. in school or at a seminar?

    Please contact the owner of the rights personally and tell them about your plans to use the film before you show it. Once you have come to an agreement, ideally in writing, you may buy and download the film through ONLINEFILM and use it as agreed with the owner. if you can not reach the owner via his webbusiness card which you can find by clicking on his or her highlited name on Onlinefilm, you may contact with your request and we will forward it to him or her.

  • What is the difference between Download-to-Own and Stream-to-Rent?

    Using Video-on-Demand, digital films can be bought via the internet for either Download-to-Own or if you want to view them immediately by Stream-to-Rent. When rentig a film as a Stream-to-Rent, you may watch it privately within 24 hours as often as you like. For this you have to be logged in with your buyer’s account. You may not make a copy of the film or show it publicly.

  • Can I buy a DVD of the film?

    At this time ONLINEFILM only offers films as Download-to-Own or as Stream-to-Rent. If you do want to buy a DVD please contact the owner who uploaded the film in the first place. Usually their name will be printed in bold on the list of staff. Clicking on the name will open their web-business card and their contact details.

  • How much do I have to pay for a film?

    The sale price is determined by the owner. ONLINEFILM recommends a price between 2 and 8 Euros, depending on length, age and production value of a film.

  • What picture quality do the films on ONLINEFILM have?

    The quality of the films depends on the quality it has when the owner uploads it to ONLINEFILM. A film can be no larger than 1.4 GB, which means its quality will not be as good as that of a DVD would be. The quality of the download is generally very much better than that of the preview.

  • Is the picture quality of the preview as good that of the film?

    No. The preview that can be seen on the internet is a compressed version. The film you can download will be as good as it was when uploaded by the owner and is normally in a much better quality than the preview.

  • What format do the films on ONLINEFILM have?

    Format and quality are determined by the owners who upload the films to us. ONLINEFILM recommends the use of established codecs and formats (such as xvid). After you have logged in but before buying the film the specific format of the chosen film is displayed.

  • Why do I have to register?

    In order to use the services of ONLINEFILM you have to register just once. Only then can you be looked after well by the company and be given the guarantee of getting the films you want. This is why you need to use Kulturserver, the technical partner of ONLINEFILM, to create your own CultureBase-Useraccount here. You can either create your account here or when you are ready to buy a film. In that case please click on the link “New customer? Click here to create an account”. Every time you buy a film or download a free film you will be asked to log in, so please remember your details.

  • Where can I change my details if I need to?

    To change your address, telephone number etc., please click here.

Buying a film

  • What do I need to do so I can buy a film?

    If you want to download a film you need to register once. You will further need a computer with a broadband internet connection and a PayPal account in order to pay for the film. Payment is also possible by transaction (check below)

  • Which are the particular steps to buy a film?

    Once you have registered, you can start the buying process. After having gone through the whole sales process you will receive a download link. Depending on your selection (Download or Stream-to-Rent) you can watch the film on your computer. A step-by-step guide can be found here.

  • What is PayPal?

    PayPal offers you a simple, fast and safe way of paying online. If you do not have a PayPal account yet, you can create one here. You will need the details of your bank account or credit card. Payment is also possible by transaction (check below)

  • I do not have a PayPal account. Can I pay another way, e.g. by money transfer?

    The standard buying process provides a payment via PayPal. If you don`t have a PayPal-account, you can also use the guest account from PayPal. For you as a customer this payment has the great advantage that you can start downloading the video file immediately.
    If you prefer paying via bank transfer, please transfer the download price of the favoured film to the account below:

Account Holder: ONLINEFILM AG
Commerzbank Bad Schwartau
IBAN: DE67 2304 0022 0070 5004 00
Konto: 070500400
BLZ: 230 400 22
As purpose please indicate the name of the favoured film version and send us a copy of the transfer form to following email address:
After receiving your mail we provide the film file for you within 24h on weekdays.
To download the film file please visit our online platform again, click on “Screening room” on top right and login with your account name / password. You will find a personalized list of your purchased film files in the next step. Please click on the favoured film and start download it.

  • How fast can I download a film?
    > Depending on your internet connection and the length of the film, the download can take quite a while. With an average connection a download may take 1 to 1.5 times the length of the actual film. If you want to test the speed of your connection, click here.

Difficulties during purchase, download or playing a film

  • I have forgotten my log-in, what do I do?

    Please contact our support team by sending an e-mail to If you have forgotten only your password please tell us your user name. (Working hours weekdays between 10am and 5pm)

  • Why has the buying process stopped?

    Please follow the Step-by-step-guide and check also whether your pop-up blocker has been deactivated and that Java-Script is activated. Should the problems persist, please contact our support team by e-mail and tell them at which point you can’t progress. Please also let them know what kind of PC or Mac and what kind of system and browser you are using.

  • I cannot log in via “buy movie“ although my log in data are correct. Why?

    It might be possible that you have activated a plug-in in your browser that blocks the transfer of log-in informations and cookies if you are redirected to another domain (e.g. “CSFire”). Such a plug-in is a helpful defence in case of a „Cross Site Request Forgery“. But during the film purchasing process on Onlinefilm this transfer is necessary, because the shop that carries out the purchase is operated by Kulturserver, our technological partner. So in this case please deactivate this plug-in temporarily.

  • How can I download or watch the film at a later date? / Where do I find my personal film list?

    On top right you find the link "Screening Room". Please log in with your username and password. In the next window you will see your personal film list that includes the films that you already have purchased. Please click on your favoured film. In the following window you can either „start the download“ or „start the leased film“ depending on which version of the film you have bought. After your purchase the link to the stream is valid for 24 hours.
    Alternatively you can log in by clicking on any film on and then on the green button „buy movie“. Then log in with your username and password.
    You don't have to pay twice for a film if you want to download it a second time.

  • What is a pop-up blocker, and why should I deactivate it?

    Some services use pop-ups. These “overlaid windows” are very useful, as through them data can be brought up with greater depth of field without endangering the clarity of the main page. In the last few years pop-ups have been utilised more and more to send undesirable advertising through the internet and thus all up-to-date versions of popular browsers and some other programmes have so called pop-up blockers. These stop single windows from opening. You will find instructions here (in German) on how to deactivate pop-up blockers in popular browsers.

  • Why, at the end of buying the film, can I not download the film?

    Please check that your pop-up blocker has been deactivated and that java is activated.

  • Why is the download so slow?

    Depending on your internet connection and the length of the film, a download may take quite some time. Using an average connection a download may take 1 to 1.5 times the length of the actual film. If the download is slower than that, please check your settings and your internet connection. It is also possible that your Firewall is stopping the download.

  • I can’t play the film. Why?

    If you can play the film but are missing the sound or vice versa, then usually your player is missing the necessary codec. ONLINEFILM recommends e.g. to use VLC Media Player, which contains all codecs and can be downloaded for free.

General information for sellers is using the CultureBase software tools created by Stiftung gGmbH . For each purpose, you will find a special CultureBase tool at your disposal.
In order to make use of these tools, please create a CultureBase user account and fill in your profile (web business card) at the following link:

Afterwards, you can use the following tools in order to offer your film via (upload film files, create different media versions, administrate your offers) (add metadata for each film entry, i.e. texts, images, links to web business cards)


  • What terms and conditions do I need to be aware of as a seller?

    Please be aware that when you upload a film you are accepting the general terms and conditions. Please read these carefully before offering a film.

  • How does my film reach the customer?

    After purchasing the film the customer can start the download.
    Alternatively to a Download-to-Own offer, you may also publish your film as Stream-to-Rent. If this version of a film is available and purchased by a customer, he/she can start the stream after the successful payment.

  • Who decides the price for my film?

    It is up to you to decide how much a customer pays for your film. Once you have uploaded the film, you can choose between different options. You may offer your film as a Download-to-Own or a Stream-to-Rent. For both you can decide on a free of charge version or determine a specific price. You may also publish a short preview of the whole film. ONLINEFILM recommends a price between 2 and 8 Euros, depending on length, age and production value of a film. If you think this is not sufficient, you should definitely tell your customers why you are asking for more.

  • How much of the sales price ends up with me, the seller?

    ONLINEFILM receives the money paid via the PayPal purchase procedure. The amount is then shared with 51% for the filmmaker and 49% for ONLINEFILM. There are additional ways of improving this for the owner, if they are a) a share holder and/or b) sell the film via their own website. ONLINEFILM would like to improve the situation for the filmmakers once the company breaks even. The amount of the quantitative threshhold as well as the distribution provision is accounted for in the specifications sheet.

  • How and when do I get paid?

    Entering your username and password you can log in at shopadmin and check all films you have uploaded, how often they have been downloaded and the state of your account with ONLINEFILM. As soon as you have sold your film in a value more than 100 Euros we will get in touch with you for your bank account details. Along with your money, you then receive an electronic bill with an overview of the sales processes.

  • How will people find my films?

    Search engines like Google are very good in finding films uploaded to ONLINEFILM.
    Due to smart interconnectivity, the information you give us about your film as well as the film itself, will not only be distributed by ONLINEFILM. Depending on where you live and which organisation you belong to, your film will published on our partner sites. E.g, if you are a member of AG DOK and have registered in Cologne, your film will be shown on as well as The marketplace for your film is meant to grow as fast as possible. Depending on the portal people find your film on, it will be presented together with your personal web-business card. To make your film more detectable you should use the embedding function and offer it on other websites and of course your own homepage.

  • How can I embed my films uploaded to ONLINEFILM into my own website?

    ONLINEFILM has developed a system making it easy to offer films on websites which deal with similar subjects and where a new audience will be alerted to the existence of the film. The owners of those websites will eventually receive 8% of the net revenue (taken from ONLINEFILM’s share only) if a sale is brokered through their site. To learn more on how to embed a film, please read the embed manual.

  • Who uploads films?

    Every day filmmakers from all over the world upload films and trailers to ONLINEFILM. Any computer with a broadband internet connection can be used to upload films in a few steps. It is up to filmmakers and producers to become active and market their films worldwide.

  • Do I have to become a share holder to offer my films using ONLINEFILM?

    No, the database is open for digital use to everyone. The advantage of being a share holder is that you receive a slightly larger share of the money generated by selling your film. To find out more, please visit our page.

  • Do I retain control over my uploaded films?

    You are the supplier and keep complete control over the contents you have uploaded! All ONLINEFILM does is to offer you the technology and the marketplace. ONLINEFILM supports you to present and sell your films successfully. It goes without saying that you can delete your films, the metadata of a film and your account at any point. You may also set your films invisible, unavailable or replace them with a better or newer version. You decide whether your film is only visible as a trailer or for sale as Download-To-Own (legal download) or a Stream-to-Rent.
    Soon you will also be able to exclude certain countries from accessing your film, e.g. if you do not own the rights for your film in those countries (geoblocking).

  • Do I have to own the internet-rights to my film in order to offer them world-wide using ONLINEFILM?

    In order to sell a film on the internet as a Download-to-Own or a Stream-to-Rent you need to own so called Electronic Sell-Through Rights (ESR). Please check whether you do before uploading the film! If you are in doubt you can always adjust the settings of your film of being available for sale. As soon as the question of rights has been cleared, you can set the film available again. You are the owner and keep complete control over the product you offer!

  • What about dues to performing rights societies (PRS)?

    Until ONLINEFILM is large and strong enough to negotiate with collecting societies like the PRS, e.g. for using music from their repertoire, these duties are entirely yours. You as the owner are responsible for any fees, including the ones raised by the Gema.

  • Do I as filmmaker have to worry about piracy?

    ONLINEFILM does not use any so called Digital-Rights-Management-Systems to protect its films as those are expensive and not at all efficient. Instead ONLINEFILM focuses on transparency and fair process. The money saved by not using media carriers or middlemen is passed on to the customer. Find out more about this here.

  • What is the meaning of Digital Rights Fair Trade (DRFT)?

    ONLINEFILM hands over the product pricing to the film owners and makes sure that sharing profit is transparent. Thus it is made clear that next to providing the structure, which allows finding, buying and downloading the films, first and foremost the creators of films and their producers get paid by the customer. Due to the transparency of the payment procedure, the prices at ONLINEFILM are received with great acceptance by all users. ONLINEFILM calls this principle Digital Rights Fair Trade (DRFT). This is the basis of its system and makes ONLINEFILM different from other suppliers.

  • Where do I find information about how often my films have been sold?

    Using your username and password you can log in at [check] go to [check] and check all films you have uploaded at any time, how often they have been downloaded and the current state of your account with ONLINEFILM.

  • I like ONLINEFILM. How can I support this idea?

    In order for ONLINEFILM to become better known it is important for every film to use the ONLINEFILM trailer. All of the following downloads are free.
    You can choose to add either credits at the end of your film:
    Credit ONLINEFILM 16:9 DV_PAL_mov 65 MB
    Credit ONLINEFILM 4:3 DV_PAL_mov 65 MB
    Credit ONLINEFILM for HD uncompressend_mov 500 MB
    Or add a starter trailer:
    Starter Trailer ONLINEFILM 16:9 DV_PAL_mov 65 MB
    Starter Trailer 4:3 DV_PAL_mov 65 MB
    Please note, that „Credit“ and „Starter Trailer“ are two different trailers! If you would like to support ONLINEFILM and become a shareholder, please get in contact with us:

  • Where do I find the ONLINEFILM banner to link it to my own page?

    Below are links to the ONLINEFILM banner. You are more than welcome to add them to your website and link it to ONLINEFILM:
    Download Banner 300x25 gif
    Download Banner 234x60 gif
    Download Banner 468x60 gif

Technical details about the input of metadata and the uploading of films

  • What do I have to do if I want to offer a film?

    The first thing you will need to do is to register. After doing so you have to enter metadata and the english synopsis of your film in the Shopadmin. You can find a detailed manual on the welcome page of the Shopadmin. Step two is uploading the film. You may either offer the film free of charge with a self-determined price as a Download-to-Own or a Stream-to-Rent. With the tool cb-film you can enter synopses in other languages and upload a suitable picture that will be displayed in the player on
    As soon as you upload a film to ONLINEFILM you are accepting the general terms and conditions. Please read these through carefully before you offer a film for upload.

  • Why do I have to register?

    In order to get in touch with you, ONLINEFILM needs your name and your contact details (address, telephone number, e-mail). If you do not supply these details or submit false declarations, thus you can not be reached by ONLINEFILM, any films you may have uploaded will be deleted. If you are a member of AG DOK or BVR and have an account with CultureBase (Kulturserver), your username and password is sufficient. While using ONLINEFILM the first time, you do not need to register again. In any other case, please create an account.
    If desired, your provided details can appear on the internet in the terms of a web-business card.

  • What is a web-business card?

    All information you have entered in your account, e.g. film details, contact information, uploaded films, may be released as public. They do not only appear on ONLINEFILM but also on various portals which are part of the Kulturserver-Network. If you want to change your personal details, please do this at the general registration. You can select parts of your web-business card to be available in public. Alternatively you can also click “invisible” and stay incognito. Ideally please do not make your web-business card “invisible” as your customers would like to know who you are and might want to contact you. (See DRFT) ONLINEFILM staff can always see all your data and get in touch with you.

  • What does a web-business card look like?

    All information you have entered in your account, e.g. film details, contact information, uploaded films, not only appear on ONLINEFILM but also on all portals of Kulturserver. As an example, visit the web-business card of Cay Wesnigk (chair of ONLINEFILM AG) on AG DOK, on Kulturserver and on ONLINEFILM. These different forms of web-cards all have the same content, created and released by Cay Wesnigk himself . Due to this excellent interconnectedness, Cay Wesnigk only has to change his data once in order to appear correct on all sites immediately. The network additionally contributes to finding him easy with search engines and ensures that people receive the data he wants them to find.

  • How can I create a web-business card for my company, too?

    You may also create a web-business card for your company and link its details later with the metadata of your film. These details will be checked by the editorial staff and cleared within 24 hours.

  • Why should I use Mozilla Firefox when I enter/upload my films?

    The CultureBase tools you need in order to enter metadata and upload your films are optimised for the Mozilla Firefox browser. Please use the most up-to-date version. Having developed the software in co-operation with its technical partner Kulturserver, ONLINEFILM recommends the following steps using Mozilla Firefox in an optimised way.

  • Where can I find instructions?

    Upload and administration of films
    Manual to embed films on your website
    As soon as you upload a film to ONLINEFILM you are accepting the general terms and conditions. Please read these through carefully before you offer a film for upload.

  • Where do I log in to work on the metadata (description etc.) of my film?

    If you want to add or change the metadata of your film, please visit the shopadmin.
    You can find this link also on the start page of ONLINEFILM under “Publish Films”.
    There you can enter and modify any important metadata concerning your film, e.g. cast, credit, synopsis. If you want to reference a person, upload film stills or add descriptions in different languages, please use the tool cb-film.
    Your account and password are valid for this tool as well. In cb-film you will find a list of al your entered films. In order to change information, please click and select the title of the specific film. You can change the information for each index tab. Every time you open a new index, all information entered previously will be saved.

  • Which metadata is needed?

    In order for your film to be found quickly and to appear attractive to possible customers, you should at least enter all metadata requested in the shopadmin. If you want to reference a person, upload film stills or add descriptions in different languages, please use the tool cb-film.

  • I have entered the metadata for my film, now how do I upload the film?

    Once you have successfully entered the metadata of your film in shopadmin, you can upload the film.
    Please follow our instruction manual

  • What do I have to know for uploading films?

    Please make sure that your film file does not exceed the size of 1.4 GB. Please also check that your file name only contains lower case letters and no special characters or spaces. As container formats we suggest avi, wmv, mov, mpg, mpe, mpeg, 3gp, flv, mp4, or divx work well. Ideally your film will be in a format that is supported by most players. The file name should end with the abbreviation describing its format (e.g. mp4, avi, mov or similar).

  • Can I upload more than one version of a film with the same description?

    Yes, you can upload several versions. Please check the instruction manual.

  • When is my film online?

    After having uploaded your film you will need to release it according to your demands. Only when setting it to Download-to-Own, Stream-to-Rent or Preview, the film will appear on ONLINEFILM and its partner sites. Please note: Whether you offer your film for free or with charge is up to you, but in order to be published on the web, you must select one of the above mentioned settings! The film will be played in exactly the quality you uploaded it in. Make a test download and see for yourself!
    Further information you can find in the instruction manual.

  • How can I change the preview length of my film?

    Length, beginning and end of your preview are determined by you. Please read our instruction manual on how to generate previews.

  • How can I change the film still / thumbnail of the video?

    Your film still / thumbnail is automatically generated by the uploaded images in cb-film. Please make sure that you have uploaded at least one image, so your film is represented with an appropriate film still / thumbnail.

  • I have my film on a DVD - how can I convert it into another format?

    In order to change the format of a film, you may choose between a variety of open source programs. Any Video Converter has proven to be a reliable and up-to-date free ware choice.

  • Which settings, e.g. which codecs and formats do I use for the conversion?

    We recommend to use h264 or Xvid Codecs, and .avi or .mp4 as container formats. However, avi, wmv, mov, mpg, mpe, mpeg, 3gp, flv, mp4, or divx work as well. Ideally your film will be in a format that is supported by most players.

  • How can I test the quality of my uploaded film?

    The film will be played in exactly the quality you uploaded it in.

  • Can I embed films I have uploaded to ONLINEFILM into my own website?

    ONLINEFILM has developed a system making it very easy to offer films on other pages, enabling you to spread your films among your target audience. For further information please read our embed-manual.

  • Can I create subtitles for my film?

    Very soon there will be an option to generate subtitles for your films. ONLINEFILM is currently working on the beta-version of this development. If you would like to be one of the beta-testers, please get in contact with us:

  • Can I delete my film and its metadata?

    Yes you can. First you delete the preview, the stream and the film file and then the associated metadata. Alternatively you can convert your film to an “invisible” status. When offering neither a preview nor a Dowload-to-Own / Stream-to-Rent, non of the filmdata is published online.

Problems when uploading films

  • I have forgotten my log in details. What do I do?

    You can contact the support team at ONLINEFILM’s technical partner Kulturserver weekdays between 10am and 5pm. Please e-mail them at

  • Why is my upload so slow?

    Depending on your internet connection and the length of your film the upload may take several minutes to hours. Please also check whether other programs are still running which may hamper the upload process.

  • I can’t upload/my upload has stopped. What do I do now?

    Please use the Mozilla Firefox browser. Check whether other programmes are running which might be slowing down the upload. Make sure that the file you are uploading is no larger than 1.4 GB and that the name contains only lower case letters and no special signs or spaces. Make sure the ending describes the format (e.g. mp4, avi, mov or similar). If you need to restart the upload, we recommend that you change the name a little bit. If a part of your previous upload has already been saved to the ONLINEFILM database, then a new file with the same name could create a duplicate file which will stop the new upload.

  • The trailer of my film has the wrong format or the sound is asynchronous. Why?

    The preview in a Flash format is generated by you. Should it be in the wrong format or should the sound be asynchronous, please try to generate it again. If the error still occurs, please contact the support team at

  • I have offered a film for sale, why can’t I find it on the website?

    Please check whether you have definitely released the film. Once the upload is finished, you have to offer at least the preview, or else your film will not be shown. If your film is to be available as a Stream-to-Rent, you will need to generate it. Also this file you need to release (either free of charge or with your choice of price). Once you have published one of the above mentioned, your film will appear within the newest entries as well as in the search index. In case you do not find your film at all please contact the support team. Due to missing metadata they might have set your film „invisible“. Contact:




ONLINEFILM Editorial & Support
C. Cay Wesnigk


Phone +49 451 5057570
Fax +49 451 282223

Snail mail
Heisterbusch 3
23611 Bad Schwartau

The newsletter registration is temporarily disabled. Here you can subscribe to our newsletter.
We will keep you posted about and the ONLINEFILM AG and inform you about new films and special offers.



Heisterbusch 3
23611 Bad Schwartau / Germany
Phone +49 451 5057570
Fax +49 451 282223

C. Cay Wesnigk - wesnigk(at)

Chairman of the supervisory board:
Roland Schmidt

Registered address:
Wakenitzmauer 34-36
23552 Lübeck / Germany

22 296 23957 Finanzamt Lübeck
USt ID DE 214233673
HRB 7698 HL
Amtsgericht Lübeck (local court)