Detailed view

  • Love and submission
  • This film is available in two versions, with English subtitles and with French subtitles

    Chronicle of an afternoon during which the lives of three people change dramatically. Alex, the husband, goes to his in-laws’ to bring home his second wife. Elise, Alex’s childhood sweetheart and first wife, accompanies him—as she must, according to tradition. And Josephine, the young bride, leaves her parents to begin a new life...

    From the preparations to the minister’s blessing, the wedding party to the awkward end of the festivities, we go through a polygamous marriage ceremony.

    “I was concerned about respecting people’s choices and positioned myself as an observer, capturing the reality of the event—the official speeches and traditional rituals, as well as the unspoken pain that was palpable throughout the evening. A ceremony in celebration of love during which ‘duty’ and ‘submission’ were the preferred words.”

    Chronique d’une après-midi particulière pendant laquelle la vie de trois personnes bascule. Alex, le mari va chercher sa seconde épouse pour la ramener chez lui. Elise son amour de jeunesse et première épouse l’accompagne comme l’exige la tradition. Et enfin Joséphine, la nouvelle épouse va quitter ses parents pour rejoindre son foyer.
    Soucieux de respecter les choix des uns et des autres, d’éviter tout regard accusateur, je me suis placé en témoin pour filmer cette cérémonie et en saisir le plus justement possible la réalité, les significations explicites et cachées. Pendant une cérémonie sensée célébrer l’amour et marquer le début d’une vie qu’on espère heureuse, on ne cesse de parler de tolérance, de soumission et de respect dans une atmosphère de profonde tristesse.





ONLINEFILM Editorial & Support
C. Cay Wesnigk


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Heisterbusch 3
23611 Bad Schwartau / Germany
Phone +49 451 5057570
Fax +49 451 282223

C. Cay Wesnigk - wesnigk(at)

Chairman of the supervisory board:
Roland Schmidt

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